Why a Jewish nine-branched chandelier (Chanukkiyah) is on a ‘table’—that is not an Altar—instead of the Cross of Jesus Christ?

Is the Neocatechumenal Way catholic?


    We considered it useful to translate progressively into English the documents of this website, in order to make them available to all those who want to know more about this phenomenon.

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A Neocatechumenal wrote us - And this is our reply, February 2, 2013

Statutes of the Neocatechumenal Way:
Serious consequences of an anomalous ratification

Shocking: Kiko’s Holy Card

Card Burke and Kiko's liturgy

An Arbitrary and Blasphemous Use of a Sacred Image

Is the “New Aesthetic” of the NC Way Catholic?

Church and Pedophilia: Shifting the Focus from Morals to Truth

Psychological underpinnings in the Neocatechumenate community.
Report by Professor Alberto Picano

Excerpts from the videotape transcription of a debate/seminar held in Rome on 20 April 1997


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